2009年11月23日 星期一

Ice Cream Paradise- Häagen-Dazs

In summer, I always want to eat ice cream as my recreation because the weather in Taiwan is usually really hot. There many brands of ice cream in market made in not only Taiwan but also other countries. Ice cream made in Japan, Italy, Switzerland and America is renowned. The ice cream company which has the most retail stores and they are spread all over the world is “Häagen-Dazs”. It produces ice cream, ice cream bars, ice cream cakes, sorbet and frozen yogurt.

It was established by Polish immigrants Reuben and Rose Mattus in 1961. The name of the brand looks like it is derived from Germanic languages but actually it is not. This is known in the marketing industry as foreign branding. It was told by Reuben Mattus’s daughter that her father just sat at the kitchen table saying nonsense words until he came up with a combination he liked. In this way, the name would be unique. Its headquarters is in Oakland, CA, U.S. and the first retail store is in Brooklyn, NY. At first, it started its business with three flavors- vanilla, chocolate and coffee. Now, it has more than 56 kinds of flavors and it will release some limited editions in particular countries or special seasons. For example, the flavor of Rum Raisin is popular among the youth and children. It also sells ice cream cakes of different kinds of flavor
which attracts many customers to buy.

Due to the increasing costs of their ingredients and the delivery of the product, it announced that it would be reducing the size of their ice cream cartoons. However, it is still well-known and adorned by the public. Its good quality surely enhances its reputation and that’s why it earns a huge amount of money even though the economic situation all over the world is not as good as before.

